1. You don’t have to hit reply.
Let’s face it – smartphones can be the devil in disguise. Give yourself permission to set boundaries on when and where you reply to emails, messages and call phones. Make meals with family and friends no-fly territory for checking your phone. Check emails and messages at set times during the weekend, so you don’t get sucked into the work rabbit hole. Healthy boundaries also train your clients that you do have a life, friends and family. That not all of their problems or requests are an emergency.
2. Turn off notifications.
Nothing is more disruptive than being constantly interrupted – which is exactly what notifications do. Not every app deserves screen time with a banner reminder. Simplify your notifications by not allowing all of them the same screen space, sound or vibration option. Save the most disruptive alerts for your best performing social media account or email.
3. Tuck your phone in at night.
While not everyone has a job that allows them to leave their ringer off on their phone. That doesn’t mean it has to sleep with you. Make your phone less tempting just before bed, during the night and first thing in the morning by keeping it somewhere other than your nightstand. Other bedtime locations for your phone could be the top of your dresser, a windowsill, your bathroom or on your vanity. Once you’re snug as a bug in bed, you’ll find yourself less tempted to get up in the dark to scroll.
4. Let that smart watch rest on Sundays.
Whether it’s your FitBit, Apple or Garmin watch, give that notification monster a much needed rest on Sundays. If you use it to track exercise consider wearing it during just your Sunday workout, and then let it relax just like you’ll be doing. We give you permission to relax and not be strapped into a device that beckons you to do more.
If your phone needs updates and to be re-charged, you, my friend, need to also recharge.